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HiTi 630PS / 631PS - What Our Customers Say

This is what our customers think of the HiTi 630PS & 631PS Printers.

All the comments below are genuine comments from our customers. To view all comments across the HiTi range Click Here

Gerald Wright - 631PS
First of all may I say how nice it is to be able to speak directly with a real person on the other end of telephone line, well done System Insight.

Secondly, for that person to be able to talk knowledgeably about the product without being patronising or trying to "blind with science" and not applying pressure to buy, thank's Stuart.

I had seen dye sublimination printers "advertised" on the internet on several sites and by several manufacturers but was unable to acquire any information about them until I came across System Insight. After reading the description and spec of the different models and testing the communication system by telephoning and speaking to Stuart, I decided to buy the 631PS based purely on our conversation and backed by your 7 day home trial.

The machine duly arrived (next day) and, unbelievably, within 30 minutes I had it unpacked, set up and the first print in my hand. It is so simple to use and the results are even better than "shop bought". Printing via my pc using the accompanying software expands the versatility of the printer although the built-in facilities are quite adequate when using the printer in "stand-alone" mode. It is so quick and easy to produce a finished photo within less than five minutes of photographing the subject.

Comparing this printer to others I've had is like comparing a BMW to a Model T Ford, it really is that good.

The only niggle I have is that there isn't a switch or button to allow it's use in photo mode without disconnecting the usb cord, but what the hell that doesn't detract from the pleasure of using this very impressive piece of kit.

Mathew Bernstein - 630PS
Just wanted to say how pleased I am with my new HiTi printer... Sounded a bit too good to be true for the price (and from a manufacturer I'd not heard of before), but I've been thoroughly impressed (and will be recommending them to anyone who will listen!) It's also surprisingly fascinating watching the print go through each cycle and coming out looking like a normal photograph at the end.

Thanks also for taking the time to ring up and offer me the ex-demo PS model for the great price - you were quite correct, if you hadn't told me it was ex-demo, I'd never have known.

Keith Barber - 630PS
I am delighted to be able to comment on the HiTi Photo Printer I recently purchased from you. The model I have is the 630PS.

I am extremely impressed by the superb quality of the prints it produces. I have a Fuji Finepix digital camera and have recently printed out images from it taken at a very modest I megapixel resolution on the HiTi and the results were remarkable. They were indistinguishable from photos processed from a high quality 35 mm film.

The photoprocessing software supplied with the HiTi (PhotoDesiree) is easy and intuitive to use and allows editing and enhancement of photos in may different ways. Over or under exposure can be corrected and if you want different tools to use, the software will easily transfer your photos to external editors.

The HiTi is one of the best buys I have made for many years.It is an outstanding piece of technology which is very easy to use and which produces superb results with minimal effort.

Terrie Smith - 630PS
I would highly recommend this printer for a few reasons:

1.. Cost is excellent - The Money wasted on photo papers and photo inks in the past could have probably taken me on several holidays abroad.

2..You cannot tell the difference from shops that process your pictures in the same way but on a larger scale, but charge a fortune.

3..With all the above I cannot really add much more apart from do you know what you are missing? I didn't until I gave it a try! and I won't look back

4..I don't need to worry about ink and paper it's all in the box and for each picture I process there is always enough paper and Ink - No running out of colours - Brilliant!

Clive Hill - 630PS
I recently purchased a HiTi 630PS Photo Printer for personal use. Although I mainly take digital photo's now its always nice to have a few of the best to give to relations and bore friends with! The other and main reason was easy of use and quality.

Although inkjet printers are good they are often not as easy as they should be to get a good 6x4 print.

Having installed the printer and used it in both stand alone and connected to a PC I am delighted with its performance. Its easy to the use in stand-alone mode and has impressive editing features even without the use of the PC.

The quality of the prints is outstanding. I was expecting good but I would challenge anyone to tell the difference between these and a professional laboratory print.

When connected to a PC the printer is just as easy to use with the added advantage of seeing the shot on a large screen. The only minor niggle is that I think the bundled editing software is a but 'clunky' by modern day standards but there are plenty of free packages around for editing pictures.

Had I known how good these were I would have got one as soon as I purchased my digital camera. Overall rating 9.5 out of 10

D A Thorpe - 630PS
I recently purchased one of the HiTi photo printers and I am very impressed with the quality and ease of use.

Tom Barry - 630PS
I would like to say the ex demo Hi-Touch printer is great and so is your service.

Dennis Maher - 630PS
I would like to express my opinion on the hi ti 630ps photo-printer.Having tested a lot of (top of the range) ink-jet printers,I must say not one of them can hold a candle to the hi ti 630ps photo-printer for quality and value, at 30p a print a must have.

Roger Little - 630PS
I have a HiTi 630PS printer that I occasionally use for business purposes, but its predominant use is personal.At the time you were advertising the printers I had a requirement to produce prints for a number of friends. The offer of a free home trial seemed too good to miss, as I could return the printer once I had produced the prints I required. The prints produced were certainly as good, if not better, than commercially produced prints; and were very well received by my friends. Having seen the quality of the prints produced there were absolutely no thoughts of returning the printer. Before I had the HiTi printer I produced any prints I required on a Photo Real Inkjet printer. Not only are prints produced on the HiTi printer quicker and cheaper to produce, but are also of a much better quality.

Keith Barber - 630PS
I meant to mention too that the machine is very compact, has a small footprint and can be used as a highly effective portable photolab since it does not need to be connected to a pc - all-in-all a remarkable piece of kit!

Norman Penfold - 630PS
I recently purchased a HiTi 630PS and find the results excellent. There was a problem with the comparison between one print taken on this
machine with one printed on my Epson printer but it turned out that the HiTi was far more true to colour. During the investigations into this, System Insight were extremely thorough until I was fully satisfied. Furthermore, as there was a delay in the normal delivery for reasons beyond their control, Stuart Morley delivered the unit himself and spent an evening installing and advising on the operation. The speed of printing is very good and the quality is superb. I would recommend this company for their service and fairness and the machine for its good results.

Martin Chapman - 630PS
Well this is just truly an amazing product having only just started to use it and understand it, I have found it brilliant,no more going to the shops to wait for your prints to be done all done at home and at your own convenience.




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