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Home> Professional Dye Sublimation> Kodak Dye Sub Photo Printer Model Range> Kodak 6800 / 6850 Photo Printer Flash Problem

Flash / Power Supply Interference Problem on Kodak 6800 / 6850 Dye Sub Photo Printers
How to overcome the flash problem with a Kodak 6800/6850 on-site.

Kodak launch their New 605 Dye Sublimation Photo Printer

Kodak's New 605 Dye Sub Photo Printer supersedes the Kodak 6850 Dye Sub Photo Printer.

Delivery Date: 3rd or 4th quarter 2007

The Problem: Kodak 6850 high-speed dye sublimation photo printer
It has recently been reported that a possible interference problem can sometimes arise when operating a Kodak 6800 or 6850 on event sites or in studio premises with a poor quality electricity mains supply. This interference can stop the printer from functioning and so the printer or print-run have to be restarted.

The first instinct of most users would be to blame the printer as having a design flaw, but when the operating conditions are taken into account, this is found not entirely to be the case.

The Cause:
Primarily the problem is caused by photographers in the field working with the Kodak 6800 / 6850 printer positioned directly under their flash units.

The cause of printer failure is twofold:

  1. They run the printer and the flash off of the same power supply; some of the flash units can be noisy in electrical terms and so disrupt the action of the printer.

  2. The light from the flash can cause the voltage of the light sensors in the paper transport mechanism to fluctuate when photographers use very high power flashes close to the printer.

The Solution:
The solution is simple and within the user's control.

The solution is also twofold:

  1. Use a separate power supply or a UPS (Uninteruptable Power Supply) with the Kodak 6800/6850 printer(s).

  2. Either move the flash and printer further apart or shield the lid of the printer from the flash.

Summary Notes :

Anyone operating a Kodak 6800/6850 printer and one or more items of equipment on the same multisocketed trailing extension lead, should be aware that electrical interference can occur under certain circumstances. This will be more likely when trailing extention leads are daisy-chained together possibly overloading just a single wall outlet.

Kodak 6850 Photo Printers rely on light-sensitive components for their internal control and operation, so users need to consider this when setting up a remote studio at an event.

Note: When shielding a printer make sure that you do not obstruct the printer's ventilation, otherwise the unit will be damaged due to overheating.

Printer specifications

Kodak 6850 Product Description

Kodak 6850 vs Mitsubishi CP9550DW

Printer Drivers, Firmware Upgrades & Downloads

Kodak 6850 User Manual & Guides

ICC Colour Profiles for Kodak Printers


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